Stand By Me 多啦A夢 2 (日)
上映日期2021年04月01日 片長96分鐘 級別I 語言日語 字幕中文、英文
導演八木龍一、山崎貴 演員(日語配音) 妻夫木聰、宮本信子、水田山葵、大原惠、嘉數由美、木村昴、關智一


Nobita finds a teddy bear hand sewn by his beloved grandma and the memories trigger a torrent of tears for him. He and Doraemon then use the time machine to visit the past. Grandma tells Nobita that she wants to see the girl who he will marry. In order to grant her wish, Nobita and Doraemon travel to the future where Nobita, now an adult, is soon to marry Shizuka, but runs away on the day of their wedding…

Vivo尊尚影院 (爆谷汽水無限添飲添食)
